We are looking for a friendly, smart and energetic person to help with our customer service needs. The requirements are pretty minimal at this point and require someone who is available to do is on a part time basis. We want at least 15 hours a week,...
Our company made a new marketplace website, and we need Google Analytics expert who can setup Google Analytics properly. We already inserted trcking code, so Applicant doesn’t need to worry about installation. The followings are requirements. 1. We h...
신문광고, 포스터 디자인을 할수 있는 디자이너를 찾고 있습니다. 이벤트,행사 관련 디자인입니다.
We're looking for an experienced QA professional to perform security and regression testing. Our wordpress site is highly customized, so keep in mind that you also need to test exceptional flow. Please include the following questions on your proposal...
JobKoreaUSA에서 회사 이메일 시스템에 쓰일 디자인을 하실 수 있는 디자이너를 구합니다. 담당업무 및 자격요건 - 담당업무 : 웹 사이트에 쓰일 이메일 디자인 제작 - 자격요건 : 포토샵, 일러스트 또는 디자인 툴 경력자 - 우대조건 : 컴퓨터 활용가능, 포토샵 가능, 엑셀 가능, 유사업무 경험 만약 포트폴리오가 개인사이트 혹은 구글드라이브에 있을경우 해당 링크를 Bidding 하실 때 첨부하여 주시기 바랍니다....
I'm looking for any freelancer who has experience with past clients in hip-hop music production. If you are interested in this project, please answer the following question when you bid. 1. Do you have experience with music production? 2. Have you p...
I need someone to help me update my website so that they appear on the first page of Google search results. I will need to verbally describe my main challenges and ideas to the freelancer so you must have good communication skills in English and be ...
I need to get a video slideshow done for a client birthday party. I need someone who can create video slideshow with music in the background. I would like the file to be sent in an MP4 and also a Camtasia project file so I can make changes if needed.
We are looking for someone to draw/design a stylish company T-shirts or long sleeved shirts.
I need to have a voice over expert recorded a 3,200 word script. I need the file back as a MP3. Your voice will be used in a social media content. We are looking for a clean recording and feel free to change anything in the script if you think it wou...
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